Wednesday 27 April 2016

Zero to Hero Near Complete

Rather than the clips just randomly appear in really no order, I edited the clips from when they are getting ready to race to them actually racing to build up the structure.

In addition, I've made the video resolution bigger. 

Zero to Hero from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Delicious Peace Near Complete

In the last edit of Delicious Peace I posted, the interview featuring the girl did not really contribute to what the narrator was saying and did not make any sense. So I have updated it using a different sentence.

Delicious Peace from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Tuesday 26 April 2016


I seemed more interested on the idea of making the animation semi-figurative. I didn't want to make it too obvious to the sounds as I didn't think that was a very original idea. In addition, I wanted certain animations to interact with sounds that wouldn't make sense in a excessive figurative animation.

Even though I have added various scenes from the original storyboard and followed the idea of a dark figure in a clock store, I did not however add any of the scenes that I thought weren't necessary.

Thursday 14 April 2016

History of computer Animation Documentary

This is a brief documentary explaining how computer animation transitioned between 2D to 3D animation and how it has become popular to this day.


These are a few websites that contain some information that can be relevant to the essay.
These websites are interviews with Ed Catmul, a computer scientist who explains his progression through the years and the creation of the first computer animated wireframe to exist.

Hero to Zero Update

Zero to Hero Update from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Delicious Peace Edit

Delicious Peace Edited 1 from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Group project update

The unnecessary journey to the restroom was cut out as I feel as though it was not needed. I have also cut out some of the beginning scene where the camera shot goes around before the student leaves the class.

  00001 from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

History of computers

I found this documentary on the history of computers.
It looks interesting and can be relevant to the essay since it mentions around the 1970s to 1980s and explains how computers were made to be more excessive and having the ability to store more memory. Thus making computer animation a lot easier.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Delicious Peace and Zero to Hero Edit

The last edit narration was jumbled up to a degree and did not make any sense as I thought the narrations went together which was not at all the case.

In addition I felt as though the intro was too long.

Delicious Peace EDITED from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Zero to Hero
 I realized that the interviews that were featured in the movie were not needed. They didn't fit in with the soundtrack and just hindered the intro. I have taken out the interviews so now it's much shorter to approximately 30 seconds. The average length of an intro.

Zero to Hero Edited from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Initial idea for Second Assignment

Following the soundtrack for the second assignment, I decided this storyboard concept for a burglar in a clock store. This idea seemed very figurative and the sound in the given soundtrack was very literal.

Early Character Sketches

Initially, the figure was planning to have a few facial details. This idea was changed because I thought it would be more fitting to the mysterious theme to have a figure more as a silhouette.