Friday 30 March 2018

New Business Card

I have made a new business card that I feel would match my website. The patterned background would be a symbol of my vector style, although I did need to lower the opacity on them as they were too exposed for the foreground dog and writing, making them unreadable.

First person walk

I wanted to give the walk scene at the end of my film authenticity. So I recorded myself walking which seems like a first person perspective. I observed the pacing and sways that I did. I noticed that when walking, the camera tends to tilt from side to side.

Password: wolvo

I have redone the ending walk sequence, using the walk reference. I tilted the camera slightly to one side after each step just like mine in the video.
First Person Walking Reference from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.
Walk sequence from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Another attempt at Timing

For this experiment, I have recorded the bounce of the ball. I tried to see if I could get the timing right. I created three different animations with different timings for the musical notes to see which one I would consider to work. Since the ball I am using is a tennis ball because stress balls are scarce, the ball in the reference will obviously not squash and stretch. However I can use this measure to test the timing and add an exaggerated squash and stretch to the notes regardless.

Password: wolvo
Bouncing Ball reference from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Musical Note Walk and Time Test from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Provisional Website

The website I originally intended on creating has more problems than I thought, as a lot has changed since I last created one. So for now, I created a website using Wix for this module, until I am able to make the original one for the future.

Fortunately this is not a major setback as I have managed to obtain a ton of assets intended for the original website such as the background and pictures.


Sunday 18 March 2018

Website Update

After all the animating, coding and editing, the website is now complete and ready to go. All I need to do now is get a domain to store the HTML file on.

Here are the codes for the website:
Website codes

This is the display page for the website. It shows the user my kind of style that I am good at. This includes 2D also including the dog character behind the board.

This is the contact and information page where I tell a little bit about myself and have my email address and phone number below.
 This is portfolio page. There are four symbols each with a thumbnail of one of my animations. When clicked, it will give a little information on the symbols. In the centre will be a link to my animation showreel.

An attempt at timing

I drew this guide for a reference as I animate the movement of the musical notes. Obviously, as some notes such as the quavers that have two sets on them will need to be animated differently but the procedure is pretty much the same.

After a long procedure of editing or redoing the animation keyframes, I think I have something more to go on. The timing is now better than it was before but I believe there are still more to do. I had only focused on getting the timing adjusted for the two main musical notes (Quint and Quimby) for this. 
Attempt at Timing from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Sunday 11 March 2018


It took a very long time but this is how the entire film will appear. Timing is very off still but I plan to fix it as my next step. There was also multiple problems with rendering and processing most of the scenes but eventually I managed to get it to work. I've added some more sounds but some sounds may also need to be changed as well.

Pre-Film from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

New Website Design

Based on the feedback I received, I decided to make the website more matching to my business card. I have now made the website in black and white. The black background with the white foreground is symbolic to the style of my choice. This will show consistency in my work. I have also added the dog character to make the website more lively and interesting.

Sunday 4 March 2018


I have basically just continued on from the animation where I left off. The animation playblast seems a lot different to how it was played back in the software. The timing is very off and the movements seem rather stiff in some cases, so the animation still needs more work.

Animation scenes from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Friday 2 March 2018

Rough Report Plan

Explain what the report will be about, what it will include and what to expect.

Section 1
Describing and analysing the Animation Industry and the roles of an Animator, the area of my interest.

Section 2
Analysis on Once Were Farmers, the animation company that I am interested in.

Section 3
My plan of action.

Summarizing entire report and making final thoughts.