Saturday 16 January 2016



Using human life-like mannequins, I used it to shape out the structure of their bodies. I did not pay attention to detail as I instead intended to try and capture the body flow.

Human anatomy study

Animated skeleton

Here are the key frames:

Here the animation on Vimeo. Due to the file limit on Vimeo, I had to compress the video, which is why it looks a bit choppy.

Drawing animated image sequence

Here are the keyframes;

Here is the animation sequence made with the keyframes.
Also I apologize about the quality but the video had to be compressed due to the 500MB limit on Vimeo.

Drawing story development

Character drawings for development

For this task we were given a sheet explaining a story and in groups we each came up with designs for different characters. For me, I was given a blacksmith. These drawings show how I portrayed the character;