Thursday 18 February 2016

Fairy Legal Practice Edit

As part of a practical work, we have been given this task to take clips taken from Fairly Legal with all clips presenting different camera angles. This is so that we can use Premiere Pro to practice editing. With this software I can cut, rearrange and take away any scene if necessary. I chose the appropriate scenes to use to add emphasis on the story and dialogue. I tend to change the camera view if I think for the audience to view the character's face is important to observe or not.

One thing I like in particular is when the judge drops the files and the immediate camera change before the files hit the desk. That scene was essential to me as I felt it made a sudden jump for the audience in a similar manner to the female character on the screen.

I think one of my weaker points is attempting to make the dialogue match up with individual clips. I hope I can improve on this at a later stage.

Fairly Legal Editing from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

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