Sunday 29 January 2017

Visual Research

After researching an animation on PES, whose work was heavily influenced by Jan Svankmajer. I came across this video in which shows a unique paper animation involving a motorcycle. I really like the use of paper cut outs in this animation. I also like the idea of bringing paper to life.

I next had a look at this video, which was also created by PES. This video consisted of two love swans made out of fabric towels. I was really inspired by this piece because as well as being a love story, it presents animals made from everyday objects, which I find interesting.

After watching both of the videos, it gave me an idea of meshing both videos together and to make an animation which involves origami animals. I chosen this because it's a technique that is new to me.

Here is an example of origami stop-motion animation.

Here is another example of origami stop motion animation.

Although it lacks colour, I like the visuals on this video. Most assets are constructed out of paper, or at least appear so. It features many folding animations and transitions between scenes.

Origami In the Pursuit of Perfection from MABONA ORIGAMI on Vimeo.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Introduction to Story and Script

This module will be centred around conceptual development and screenwriting. I will require research in story and screenplay as well as visual stories.

This module will consist of two tasks.

Task 1: This task will involve a script and storyboard presentation meeting with professional industry standards. An appropriate industry software is required to be used for this presentation such as TV Paint, Adobe Story etc...

Task 2: Project rationale, which should consist of 2000 words, submitted through WOLF.
This should include a contextual rationale of my story presented. This should also include sources to animators/artists/filmmakers with significant historical contexts. This will also include a discussion of the story concept, genre, character, script etc...

Hand in time: 8th May 2017
Hand in Location: Blog submissions and WOLF

Friday 27 January 2017

Introduction to 3D Animation Production

This module will go over the 3D production elements commonly used in the modern Animation Industry. This module will involve creating a 3D model using a character sheet. Then there will be 20 seconds of animation (with 5 seconds of lip sync). These can be created as separate or individual animations.

I hope to learn more about 3D animation in this module and how the process of 3D animation is formed. I also hope to improve my creativity skills.

Hand in Date: 8th May 2017

Hand in location: Blog submission

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Introduction to Advanced Innovative Animation

This module will expand my animation skills by delving into the unique techniques used in the last year module. It will be expanding those techniques with additional research and practice. I will work independently to create a 30-60 second long animation that will be based around a technique of my choice.

I will use peer feedback and group discussions for better development. This module will help with my creative process visually and conceptually.

Hand in location: Digitally presented work from online source (Vimeo and Blog)
Deadline: 8th May 2017