Wednesday 9 March 2016

Fairly Legal Update, Delicious Peace Export and Group project

The main issue with my Fairly Legal project edit is the audio jumps around with the volume in every clip. This was because I was unware of the "L" and "J" shapes for using audio. I recently watched a video tutorial explaining how to use the L and J shapes. I found this tutorial very useful because now my Fairly Legal edit has improved in audio.

In addition to the audio, I have made slight changes around the scenes because I felt as though my last edit had certain shots that weren't needed. I felt as though my previous edit was focused too much on the female character. Even though she is the main character of the show, my edit was over doing it.

Fairly Legal Edit from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

Delicious Peace Export 

I made a structure from a documentary using video clips and audio. I even tried to keep the video timeline in order of narrative. Below is my attempt.

Delicious Peace Export from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

I think a major flaw would be the size of the clips creating the black border around the video. This could be improved.

Group project

We have done a group project recording our own material with various shots. We each individually had the entire footage so that we could make our own structure from the project.

I overall think the cuts worked pretty well but I think it could've used some improvement.

My cut of the group project from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

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