Thursday 5 April 2018

Lighting test

Double lights
There are two light sources in this. There is the lamp and another light source on the right side to assist the lamp in the lighting. The lighting on the right side will assist in casting a shadow for the female office worker during the first sequence.

Full beam - Three light sources
This lighting is similar. However the lighting from the right side is now situated at the top of the set where it will act as an overhead room light. This is my personal favourite form of lighting as it makes my set bright and colourful and the shadows seem, for the most part, consistent.

Lamp lighting
This form of lighting only comes from the sunlight and the lamp. The lamp right now is at a very low intensity thus the room is given a dark appearance.
 Natural Lighting
The only form of light source here is the window lighting, with only the window beam as a source of light. This is the darkest form of lighting but it seems not much different to the lamp lighting.
 Lamp Lighting - Higher intensity
This light source is only in form of the lamp (And daylight). However the lighting intensity is now higher, at 700000 candela (CD).

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