Monday 30 November 2015

Animating to sound

Sound is an essential part in animation in my opinion. If animation didn't have sound then the audience would loose interest pretty quickly. However sound does not work well on its own either. If either of them was to be alone then it would be unappealing to the viewers. If sound and animation are both together, then it would be. To me the percentage of importance of sound and animation are balanced.

For this I will be using non-object like structures in TV Paint with a WAV file provided by my lecturer.

Life drawing

The human body is a fascinating structure that can operate in many forms. The aim of this session is to fully comprehend how the human figure works.

On A3 paper, I have drawn multiple sketches of a life model. In this session I have focused on the proportion and how I can observe the figure.

Here are the pictures I have used for drawing the life model in regular order;

Here is the drawings I attempted doing while not looking at the paper but instead focusing on the life model taking the proportions and structure into consideration but I didn't do very well.

Here is the drawings I did of the people who were sitting opposite me.

Hand drawn animation

This is one of my personal favourite subjects in the animation industry. The good old classical hand drawn animation just like they did in the early 20th century. It is used world wide and is considered by many to be a very good form of animation technique. It is commonly known to be used by Walt Disney, Walter Lantz and Tex Avery.

I remember as a kid, I used to draw tiny basic characters in my drawing book on each page and then flip the pages over rapidly to make it move. That is the basic principal to hand drawn animation.

This is where my classical animation pegbar comes into use. A4 papers are hole-punched with a special animation device.

The image above shows the guide that I have planned out each individual frame, so that when I drew them on paper, I know exactly where the ball is going to be and where the tail is going to be positioned.
Here is the result of my final animation -

Saturday 21 November 2015

Internalisation and Intuition

Sometimes drawings can make illusions that words cannot explain, especially when it comes to verbs or adjectives. The can be formed through the artist's mind that may seem irregular to everyone else, especially when it comes to drawing non-object drawings.

For this task I have divided my sketchbook page into 8 sections. Each section represents or expressed different things. These things include (in order) anger, happiness, illness, loneliness, sadness, masculinity, femininity and stillness/peacefulness.


Drawing thematically

In this lesson of drawing strategies we were given an observational object that we required to draw. The object could be as simple as we wanted. In this instance I took out my water bottle to draw.

The lecturer proceeded to inform us about drawing it as many times as possible on the same page.
We had to draw it quickly, from different angles and different sizes. We also had to draw without preciousness, with little to no detail, ensuring that we would have it done quickly.

This is the picture I drew with of my water bottle. I constantly kept moving the bottle around and turning it so that I could see it from different angles.

This is a drawing of my pencil sharpener. I chose this as very simple but also forms an uncanny shape around one of the stripes.

These are various sketches of my left hand. I used my left hand as an observational drawing as I can only draw with my right hand.

Friday 13 November 2015

Love-sick Lizard

Synopsis/Elevator pitch

A chameleon tries to win over the love of his life, only to come to a tragic end.


Each of us were individually given a separate part in doing the storyline. In this case I was given the beginning part.

This storyboard is the official one that I used. Though I required to redraw it on a larger size paper so that the audience could view the concept.

The scene is a deleted scene that was not used in the original storyboard.






Character sheets


Target Audience

We have considered that the target audience would be a teenager at any gender with access to the internet as this type of animation would appear in online communities.


When we were discussing what our ideas should be we went through things that would be deemed as original with relation to internet cartoons. We decided to go with a simple love story with a tragic ending, as we considered happy endings to be overused.



Thursday 12 November 2015


I have learned that in developing ideas and experimentation for screen, storyboarding is an essential part of capturing your illustrational thoughts. It can project a visual concept for my colleagues, telling stories and give the viewer a better perspective on how the story is going to work out.

A storyboard consists of multiple frames, step by step. The illustrations on each board are often displayed in rough sketches (though not excessively). This is often done to shorten the time taken to produce a pre-visualized concept.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Point perspectives

Point perspectives

Perspective is an essential part in terms of drawing. Everything we see in the real world evolves around perspective. Without perspective it would be a very illogical world. In drawing strategies I have learned point perspectives using one, two and three points. It is an illusion from a point of view, which specific dots will act as guides producing graphical illustrations.

Picasso, a world famous artist used perspective and wanted to give people a way of looking at things in a different way.

I have learned that there are three types of point perspective. All three points are important in drawing strategies and can provide the appropriate perspective the artist requires.

One point perspective
This perspective revolves around one vanishing point.

Two point perspective
Two points is slightly more precise than one point perspective because the drawing can be verified by two different places. This makes the drawing in a little more detail.

Three point perspective
Although using three point perspectives can be effective it is not always necessary to use in perspective drawings, as it would not obtain the same structure as two and one point perspective would.