Saturday 21 November 2015

Drawing thematically

In this lesson of drawing strategies we were given an observational object that we required to draw. The object could be as simple as we wanted. In this instance I took out my water bottle to draw.

The lecturer proceeded to inform us about drawing it as many times as possible on the same page.
We had to draw it quickly, from different angles and different sizes. We also had to draw without preciousness, with little to no detail, ensuring that we would have it done quickly.

This is the picture I drew with of my water bottle. I constantly kept moving the bottle around and turning it so that I could see it from different angles.

This is a drawing of my pencil sharpener. I chose this as very simple but also forms an uncanny shape around one of the stripes.

These are various sketches of my left hand. I used my left hand as an observational drawing as I can only draw with my right hand.

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