Friday 13 November 2015

Love-sick Lizard

Synopsis/Elevator pitch

A chameleon tries to win over the love of his life, only to come to a tragic end.


Each of us were individually given a separate part in doing the storyline. In this case I was given the beginning part.

This storyboard is the official one that I used. Though I required to redraw it on a larger size paper so that the audience could view the concept.

The scene is a deleted scene that was not used in the original storyboard.






Character sheets


Target Audience

We have considered that the target audience would be a teenager at any gender with access to the internet as this type of animation would appear in online communities.


When we were discussing what our ideas should be we went through things that would be deemed as original with relation to internet cartoons. We decided to go with a simple love story with a tragic ending, as we considered happy endings to be overused.



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