Sunday 6 November 2016


This task was extremely time consuming and a tedious process. However, the end results were worth it. There are a few bits outstanding on the skater but overall, it turned out better than I anticipated. This was achieved by adding a mask. But not just one mask, 13 masks. Two for the feet, six for the limbs, two for the hands, one for the head, one for the abdomen,  and one for the skateboard. The reason they were split up in masking is because this way, they would be easier to manipulate capturing as much of the character's content as possible. Luckily this didn't need to be done for every frame. I used the transition tool in the sub-layer to create a motion flow silhouette around the skater.

This is the result of all the masking done with a pitch black background. I'm glad with how it turned out. Though I could've done better with the hands and maybe taken away some of the character's interference as in some areas, the background is conspicuous.
Jump from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

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