Monday 10 October 2016

Character Analasis

Lucky Lucy:

As she stands there, leaning against a gambling machine, tossing her winning chips from one hand to another, she glances maliciously at an old couple approaching a poker table "Now for my next score" she thought  "I see those poor unfortunate suckers who are about to lose their retirement funds and have no idea about it. Time for them to revaluate their lives. Sucks for them but hey, a girl has her needs too."

William The Magician:

Children were cheering, parents were smiling, shop owners were listening. All for this one man. A man of entertainment. A man they trust. A man they admire. How little they know. The show will begin soon. "No need to be nervous" William says kindly to his puppet friend "The show will start soon and it will be just like any other. Our luck has not run out so far. I doubt it will run out now. Those pathetic rats and their parents won't know what hit 'em."

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