Thursday 13 October 2016

Fire effect

Fire Effect from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

 This is the end result of a fire effect.

First the layer was duplicated. Then a mask was used to cut out the rock and put it on another layer. This way the rock will be covering up the fire and make it appear as if it's behind the rock. A fire with a pitch black background is joined into the layers. The background needs to be pitch black otherwise it would not work.


To put some smoke in, first adding a solid layer is needed. Particle playground found in the effects tab is then used to make the fire. Adding this effect will initially show red dots displayed on the stage. Tweaking needs to be done in the effect settings. The gravitation pull needs to be set to zero. This should make the particles start floating. Colour should be changed to grey or amongst that area to make a smoke color and then adding a blur, since smoke isn't solid.Typing in Wiggle (1, 5) in the timeline will make the smoke wiggle, making it appear like the wind is carrying it away.

In the end I'm glad with this smoke effect, although it is rather basic but it is important to know since major realistic smoke can be made using this method.

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