Saturday 29 October 2016

My Three Chosen Artists

These are Artists I have chosen whose style which I believe will suit my character the most.

Sam Kelda
Sam is an Illustrator who likes cats. He was born in South Dakota, got a BFA in painting and currently works at a bakery.

I like chose him because his work seems like the type of work that would be suitable for animation. I also believe that the simplistic style he has would add depth to my magician character.

Stephan Schmitz
Stephan is an award winning illustrator in Switzerland.

The reason I have chosen him is because although his style is rather basic, they do have hidden meanings which say a lot. It proves that art doesn't need to be detailed to be eye capturing and that less can be more. Therefore I think it would suit my character.

Richardo Bessa
Richardo is an artist who was born in Portugal and is currently located in London, UK.

The reason I have chosen his style is because I wanted one style that added detail to experiment with my character. I think this type of style would suit my character because there's a lot of dark colours usually involved, which suits the theme.

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