Saturday 1 October 2016

Character idea experimentations

Character Experiment 1
This video aroused my interest. It shows a man who is obviously broken from his experience from combat. Explaining how he relives that moment over and over again and how his body wants to experience it again. He also feels as though nobody would be able to understand this kind of feeling.
I will use some part of this video to make the character.

I will use these dice and the deck of cards as objects to add to the character's story.


This is the character I concluded. Her name is Lucy but everyone calls her Lucky Lucy. She is 25 years old and she lives in Las Vegas. She works as a waitress in a casino. And she also often plays the role as the dealer when the other dealers are away. She is a con-artist in the casino. She cheats at poker games, which people often dismiss as luck, hence the nickname Lucky Lucy.

Character Experiment 2
I will use the magician hat and stick and this written text to create the character:
"We want to create puppets that pull their own strings. - Ann Marion"

I have constructed these characters, who is a magician who is known as William and a puppet named Robert. He tricks everyone into thinking he is using his magic to bring his puppet to life as false magic trick, unbeknown to them the puppet is actually alive. He goes to the local shopping centres, where he and the puppet entertain children until closing time. When William is outside of the shopping centre, he uses Robert to squeeze through the vents to disable the alarms. William and Robert then loot as many stores as they can before opening time.

Since magicians are known to naturally wear gloves and since Robert is just fabric, no evidence is ever left at the places they rob. And nobody suspects that it is the entertainer magician.

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