Tuesday 14 February 2017

My story synopsis

The Painting

During November of 1986, there was a wealthy city man named Adrian who lived in Mississippi. He recently discovered that his cousin, Kevin had moved into a new house out in the bayou not long ago. Adrian wants to get away from the city for a while where there are no noises or polluted air coming from industries. Thus Adrian concludes to spend a week away visiting his cousin in the bayou. Adrian has not seen Kevin in a while and he has never seen Kevin's new house before so this occasion seems more exciting to him.

Upon arriving at the house, Adrian and Kevin exchange hugs as they are so happy to see each other again after a long period of time. They spent the entire day in the living room talking about recently deceased relatives, playing chess and listening to the radio. Adrian enjoyed it as he thought that it was a great time away from the city, away from the noise and air pollution.

Before they knew it, nightfall came. Both cousins had enjoyed themselves and wished they could have gone on longer but they just accepted it as they could always continue the next day. Kevin told Adrian that he would be sleeping in the guest room and after wishing Adrian a good night, Kevin went into his own room to sleep. Adrian went into the guest bedroom. Upon entering, he saw that the room was clean and very nice. Adrian knew that Kevin has put some work into this to make sure Adrian's trip was a nice one.

Adrian got ready for bed and soon was lying down. The bed was more comfortable than he had anticipated. Adrian enjoyed the sound of silence. Adrian tried to get to sleep but something was keeping him awake and he could not quite figure out what. Adrian opened his eyes and looked across the room. On the wall opposite the bed, there was a unusual painting of a creepy man with a disfigured face. The face of the man was smiling maliciously and his eyes seem to be directed at Adrian. Adrian wondered that he had no idea that his cousin Kevin was into these kind of paintings, so this was new to him. Adrian tried to go to sleep with it but he could not as the painting was disturbing him too much. Eventually, Adrian got tired and went downstairs to sleep on the sofa for the rest of night instead. He figured that he could ask Kevin to remove the painting in the morning so he could sleep better in that room the next night. Adrian did not want to remove the painting by himself as he was worried that he would break it and Kevin would be angry.

The next morning, Kevin comes downstairs and he is quite surprised to find Adrian sleeping on the sofa. "Why are ya sleeping on the couch, cousin?" asked Kevin. Adrian, who had just woke up, explains to Kevin "There was a painting in the guest room. It was very creepy and I just couldn't sleep with it. Is it okay if I ask, would you mind taking it down so I can sleep in that room easier?" Kevin looks puzzled "Painting, cousin?" he asked. Adrian, now fully awake, said "Yes. That painting on the wall opposite the bed in the guest room." Kevin now looks more confused than ever. Kevin said "But cousin, there is no painting on the wall opposite the bed in the guest room. Just a window..."

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