Sunday 8 October 2017

Character ideas

Iron guy
I got this idea from the uniform behind the glass near the entrance of the museum. The aesthetics of the uniform is symbolic of history, which is what the museum is all about.

Alternative sketch to Iron guy.

Steampunk dog
This dog concept came from the idea of Rusty who is also a dog already portrayed in the museum as a guide. The steampunk idea came from the various mechanisms that can be found in and around the iron factory. The idea of steampunk is science fiction which gives enhanced technology in the 1800s. This is the reason I like this idea as the iron factory is a museum which is based around that time frame.

The Talking Piano
This was probably an obvious idea but an idea none the less. I came up with this concept of a anthropomorphic piano with the key notes as eyes and the keys themselves as the mouth. This piano can be found in the museum near the back.

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