Wednesday 11 October 2017


Geffrye Museum
This is a museum opened in 1914, it shows the home interiors from the 1600s and onwards to the present. These types of interiors could be useful for my project as I am aiming for an interior that is set in the 1940s albeit some of the interiors are from the 1930s or below.

Here are some interiors that are from the 1930s -1940s era.
I like the lighting of the interior on the left. It even shows a gramophone on the drawers. Though I do think the walls are a bit plain and the room colour itself to be simple.

I like the tone of this interior. It has simmered brightness emitting from the lights. The fireplace looks fine as well with the detail. The one thing I like the most is the texture of the chairs, which looks very decorative.

Not exactly one of my favourite interiors. However, I do like the texturing on the floor and the design/decoration of the chairs. The wooden objects in the room appear to be shiny and clean as well.

Land of Lost Content
This is a museum which contains old everyday objects from the old times. The museum is owned by Stella Mitchell.
This room is full of props that could be useful for inspiration putting props into my project. The interior itself looks like a standard 1930s - 1940s interior.

Here is a few signs from the past. The one that caught my eye was the one on the top left hand corner of the screen which replicates the noire style from the 1940s. These signs could be used as posters in my project.

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