Wednesday 1 November 2017

Essay Structure

How has music in Disney animated movies made an influenced on the production of Steamboat Willie and Fantasia?

An brief summary of the essay will be written in this section. Explaining the basic fundamentals that will be included in the essay but making sure not to reveal too much about it.

Chapter 1
This chapter will be about Steamboat Willie and argue how it has become symbolic to Walt Disney, as well as the outcome it had on the audience. It will also mention any musicians who have worked on this cartoon and anybody who has commented on the cartoon itself. I may also use any reception this short animated film received to back up my argument that music played a part in making it a big success.

Chapter 2
Fantasia will be the main topic of this chapter. It is chosen because it is a feature film that was released over 10 years after Steamboat Willie. Not only that but Fantasia is animated and entirely based on music. I will talk about the distinction between the two and mention the obvious change in music that occurred. 

Chapter 3
My personal project will be included in this chapter and how it relates to the two animations in the earlier chapters. 

This is the part where I summarise on the entire essay, give my own comment and give no new information.

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