Monday 6 November 2017


Mr Barkley

Mr Barkley is a posh British greyhound who enjoys history. He talks in an old posh British accent with use of words of aristocrats such as "I say" and "My dear chap." He is a wind up toy that operates on a clockwork motor and will occasionally run out needing to be wound up again. Once the mechanism is in action, he loves to bark a lot and talk about historical events, especially the ones that involve mechanical mechanisms. Personality wise, he is funny, charming, vigorous and friendly.

This character concept was inspired by the stereotypical show presenters with British accents.
Example would be the show of Tales of The Unexpected in which the presenter is Roald Dahl explaining the upcoming events in the story.

This was also inspired by the use of Sherlock Holmes, a famous London-born detective involving the well-known scenes where he sits in his chair and makes an analyse on the evidence. Sherlock Holmes is arguably noted for having a memorable London accent.

The closest character that resembles Mr Barkley and was a heavy inspiration is Tick Tock from Return of Oz. Just like Barkley, Tik-tok runs on a clockwork mechanism and occasionally needs to be wound to start up again.

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