Friday 16 February 2018

New Asset

One of the feedbacks I recollect is the empty space that occurs in the office during the wide shot screens of the area. So I thought it would be a good approach to fill in that space with another 3D asset.

So one of the most obvious and simple way of filling in the space would be to add a plant. 
The two images below show the basic texturing of the plant. The one on the left is the diffuse map texture, which will obviously be the texture for the plant. The image on the right is the opacity map. What this image does is create a mask around the texture when applied to an object, so that it gets rid of the black area.

This is the result of the texturing. Notice that the leaf texture does not have a black background but rather a clear background, which will give the impression of the leaf being on its own.

Now that the leaf is textured, I need to add a bend modifier to give the leaf a shape. The gizmo played a part in bending at this angel as there is no option to bend the leaf at this angel in the properties. 

With the duplicate tool, I created more leaves, scaling the sizes and rotating them to form this simple plant shape.

Finally I put the plant pot in the corner where the drawers and the wall meet, but not before creating a pot to put the leaves in. This will without a doubt fill in the empty space that was occurring within the room, giving it a better environment.

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