Tuesday 6 February 2018

What's my brand?

My Skills
My primary skills are 2D and 3D animation, VFX, drawing and graphic editing. I am very familiar with 3D Autodesk softwares. The 3D software I am most skilled in is 3DS Max, as that's the software I have used the most. Maya and Mudbox are the secondary 3D softwares that I am skilled in. I have used Adobe programs all my life so I can work with them with ease. These programs include, Illustrator, Photoshop, Animate, Audition, After Effects, Premiere Pro and Fireworks.

I enjoy participating in media outlets that help me increase my social participation. I also enjoy electronic art that provide entertainment for the virtual reality simulation. Exercise is also one my primary enjoyments, going to the gym to remain fit and healthy, as well as cardio such as cycling.

In order of important to least important, here is the things I value:

  • Time - This is the top priority for values as without days off, I would not enjoy the job and would not be able to the job properly. 
  • Stability and security - The salary doesn't need to have a major income but enough to get by would do me just fine. And having a regular work schedule that I can get used to will also satisfy me.
  • Excitement - Having enjoyment with my work will make working a lot easier
  • Creativity - A lot of things in animation have already been done in the past. I would like to be original with my work and be able to produce projects that will grab the attention of the audience.
  • Intellectual - Creativity is more important than intelligence, hence the reason it is below creativity. However intelligence does play a major role in this as well as I can learn new things, which will help improve my projects.
  • Social - Communicating with others and exchanging conversations is how I learn, and as I learn, I hope to grow as an animator and become fully developed.
  • Status - Building a good reputation will support my ability to work under the conditions, as it will keep me motivated.

Competent, Creative, Considerate

Scholarship from Dudley College

This SWOT contains all my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that I have identified within myself.

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