Tuesday 20 February 2018

Sample Business Cards

Here is a collection of business cards in the art field that I found online. Hopefully these will give me some inspiration to give me a better idea for what to do for my business cards.

The main thing I like about this business card is that it shows what appears to be a character curling around the name and information on the person. This person also added what seems to be a gradient background to the picture photo, which I personally think should've been on the contact side as well.

The cross border is what I'd say is the thing that I like about this business card. It separates the name from the smudge background. I also like the text font with each letter appearing at various heights rather than neatly in a correct line.

This person has kept it rather simple, with a simple background and basic example of a deer drawing to show the person's style. However this is not a bad trait as sometimes less can be more. I personally prefer to have business cards show the basic stuff of the person rather than have it be overly detailed.
Simple shapes such as triangles can also work on a business card. Text fonts also don't need to be overly complicated when it comes to business cards. And while the business card itself can stand out from other business cards, I feel as though the neon colours gives it a bleachy effect and can stand out too much in a negative way. 

I like the vector art in this business card. How it presents the head looking towards the name of the person. This person, like the other business cards, has kept it simple.

This person has taken a different route in terms of business cards. They have used a very highly detailed drawing to show off their talents. I like how the character is using the border, which shows the person's name and contact details, as a corner to peek around. The black and white colouring works well on the business card as well.

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