Sunday 25 February 2018


I booked out the sound booth room to record some sounds to be featured in my project. This would be a great opportunity to get some real sounds that I could not find anywhere online. In addition, the sounds will be at my own rhythm and at my own pace, so it will give a better atmosphere of the project.

Using a real pencil, I scratched it against the paper for a few seconds before dropping it. The only problem came is that the pencil didn't drop the same way as the one in my movie did. The Pencil would always bounce a few times when dropped before coming to a halt. I think this is something that I could change in the animation to suit it.

For the walking sound effect for the lady, I borrowed my mother's shoes for this. Fortunately for me, there is a carpet in the sound booth room, which would make a good sound for the woman walking across the room, which consists of hard carpet.
The sounds from the cup are from a real cup that I have. Obviously I could not break the cup to get a sound effect for health and safety reasons but I did manage to obtain cup rolls and knocking the cup over sound effects.

For the scene which the little music note emerges from the waste paper bin, I flopped crunched up pieces of paper a few times. I also smacked the paper against the desk to make the sound effect that will be used when the paper is kicked and when the paper hits the gramophone.

 Here is the sounds from the sound booth that I recorded. I took multiple takes. This way, I can decide which one I feel as though could be right for the animation.

I signed up for, which provides me with .WAV files for appreciate sound effects. This video contains the rough version of the sounds that I intend to use in the project. I didn't include the soundtrack from the gramophone because that is the type of sound that I need to correlate separately to these sounds.
Sounds from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.
Project Sounds from Jack Vanes on Vimeo.

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