Sunday 19 March 2017

Background Test

Here is the rough sketch to demonstrate how I want the layout of the background to be. At this point, the quality does not need to be perfect as it would make the project more complicated than it needs to be and the quality is fixable at a later stage.

Spline Vector
I then use Illustrator to go over the lines using the pen tool. It is essential that Illustrator is used for this method as 3D programs can reads the vectors done in Illustrator and they can convert them to editable splines. This method speeds up the process, as apposed to making the splines in the 3D software itself.

After importing the Illustrator file into 3DS Max, the splines are now fully functional and interactive in the 3D software. I can extrude the splines to bring them out as shown in the screenshot below. They now look pretty good so far but they still need some texturing.

Using Photoshop, I created 5 different textures that I will be using for the shapes that I created. The textures are intended to represent materials used for art related projects. This will make the objects seem more like cutouts.

Using the textures I made in Photoshop, I applied them to the objects, giving them an art material-like look. I've also added some lighting to cast shadows to give it a more authentic look.

Here is the render of the whole project.

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