Wednesday 1 March 2017

Character model progress

I restarted the model since the other one was not very good and didn't seem to work. This book, Character Modeling with Maya and Zbrush by Jason Patnode has some points on how to create 3D character models for video games. The idea of the character being intended for video games implies that the character must be able to be manipulated. I will explore the book and see if it can assist in my character modelling.


(Source: Chapter 3, page 49)

Before I began on the torso, I made sure to add a mirror so that I only needed to do one half and then the project will reflect in real-time as I work. The torso is the first thing I started out with as it is in the centre and connected to every single body part. I shaped it to fit the reference images.


(Source: Chapter 3, page 53)

Next I extruded the bottom half of the torso to create the legs. I made sure to keep the polygons apart so that they don't get caught in the mirror.


|(Source: Chapter 3, page 61)

I extruded the arms out and scaled them down as I went along as arms on the human body tend to do that. The arms were quite easy but the hands were quite difficult. I had to create 8 separate faces to determine the fingers. They were hard to keep in tact.


(Source: Chapter 3, page 173)

For the head, I essentially just extruded the neck part and went all ways, making a cube shape and then I played around so that they matched the reference images. The eyes were quite difficult as I needed a heptagon-like shape. I had to find the specific faces I needed to create them. And the faces on the head didn't come near the reference and it seemed weird. So I just edited the mesh to make the polygons out of the way and then added another cut to make the eye shapes.

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