Thursday 2 March 2017

Creative Matrix

The genre of my story is intended to be what seems like a normal story with a twist ending intended to make the audience feel uneasy. The story takes place in Mississippi. The reason for this is because Mississippi is close to the largest bayou. I wanted to make the characters feel very confined in the story as I thought it would make the characters feel very confined, making it seem a bit creepier.

Place and time
The story takes place in the 1980s and during November. I chose these particular times as November immediately follows the celebration of Halloween. Since Halloween is a symbol of frightful and scary events, I thought adding this month would be quite a good idea. The reason it is set in the 1980s is due to the lack of technology that was available back then. I thought that the lack of technology and the resources available would make an impact on the story's frightfulness to the audience.

Both Adrian and Kevin are Caucasian Americans. Adrian speaks in normal English with a slight accent, while his cousin speaks in a hill billy-like accent with broken English. This is because Adrian had a good education due to his wealth whereas Kevin couldn't afford a decent education. This is due to the fact that they were both born in different parts Mississippi.

In the USA, the bayou is full of alligators. Alligators are only found in the USA and China whilst crocodiles are found all over the world. This also takes place during the time of November, so the environment could still be filled with autumn leaves and the weather beginning to become cold.


Mississippi steamboat
This steamboat is symbolic in Mississippi. It may be displayed on shop windows or pictures of it is sold to the public.

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